We all know them. The people who really only call you if they need something. The people who complain that you never hang out, but then when you try to plan something with them, they flake out. The people who dont really care enough to shoot a text or email back, let alone pick up the phone and call you......Yet they would be so offended, and appalled if you called them out on it.
In todays society people are so fascinated with gaining "friends" on facebook, it cracks me up. Rather pathetic. Is there some sort of common that fbook is kicking back to these people i am not aware of? Its funny. but its also really sad and alarming. this is what these people are learning to be friends?
I have been really blessed in my 29 years with hands done the best family a guy could have. Even my newly extended family of my wife's, would without hesitation follow me to hell and back. But i have also had my fair share of "one way" friends. Honestly....i say we light the fires and call things what they are and burn some of these bridges to the ground. Some of these people are like leeches. take.....take ....take. without ever giving back or even really giving a crap.
I learned a while back that its just really healthy to take inventory on whats going on with my friendships. Bad company does indeed corrupt. I just dont think that any of us should have to put up with these fruitless charades anymore.
Its liberating. and yes, your circle will shrink.....but it will be one of the most rewarding things that you can do.
ask me how i know.
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